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Rep. Sanchez Hosts Capitol Hill Briefing on Grant Funding for First Responders

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, D-Calif., and Congressman Curt Weldon, R-Pa., sponsored a congressional briefing June 2 examining the effectiveness of homeland security grants intended to assist firefighters, police officers, and other first responders.

Anaheim Fire Chief Roger Smith, a presenter, said local first responders currently have 60- to 90-day delays in their grants. He added that he would like the government to streamline this process to allow first responders to receive grants faster.

At the same time, local governments are required to comply with short deadlines for their grant applications, Smith said.

The congressionally mandated application deadlines are well-intended but can create problems at the local level, said Andy Mitchell, deputy director for the Homeland Security Department’s Office for Domestic Preparedness and a briefing presenter.

The first responder grants reimburse first responders for equipment, training and other homeland security needs. Right now, the federal government sends the money in block grants to states, which in turn distribute the money to local governments, Mitchell said.

Smith said he would rather have first responder grant money sent to the local first responders. Police chiefs also would rather have money coming directly to the local governments, said Gene Voegtlin, legislative counsel for the International Association of Chiefs of Police and a presenter.

Sanchez and Weldon are strong supporters of a House bill that would streamline the homeland security grants process for first responders, H.R. 3266. The bill currently is working its way through Congress.


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