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Floor Statements  

Statement on H. Res. 578
Supporting the goals and ideals of
Financial Literacy Month
April 27, 2004

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to offer my support for H. Res. 578, a resolution that would support the goals and ideals of Financial Literacy Month.

Before I became a Congresswoman, I was a businesswoman.  I started my own consulting firm in Santa Ana, California assisting public agencies and private firms with cost-benefit analysis, strategic planning and capital acquisition.  I have spent many years in the financial sector, and know first-hand the importance of financial literacy and education.

As Chairwoman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Task Force on Banking and Finance, I am committed to increasing financial literacy in minority communities.  Later this year, I will be holding an issues conference with leaders from the financial world to discuss ways of connecting the financial sector with Hispanic youth to educate them on business and career opportunities.  We will also explore the obstacles minorities face in obtaining capital and examine the effectiveness of today’s top financial companies in preparing Latinos as leaders in the banking and financial sector.

Mr. Speaker, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of financial literacy.  Financial knowledge enables individuals to become more successful, manage their money wisely and contribute to the economy. It is critical that we educate our young people and encourage them to seek out opportunities in the business world.  I thank the Gentlelady from Illinois for introducing this important bill, and would urge my colleagues to support it.  Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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