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  The Honorable Loretta Sanchez
Recognizing Vietnam Human Rights Day
May 11, 2004

Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of H.Res.613, a resolution which recognizes the 10th anniversary of Vietnam Human Rights Day, which is today May 11th.

I would like to thank my distinguished colleague for introducing this bill, of which I’m proud to be an original cosponsor.  I am proud too to share membership in the Vietnam Caucus with my friend from Virginia, along w/ the gentleman from New Jersey , and the gentlelady from California

The initiatives of the caucus, such as this bill, are examples of what can be accomplished when we work together in a spirit of true bi-partisanship.

In addition to recognizing the anniversary of Vietnam Human Rights Day, this resolution, and this day, recognizes the 14-year anniversary of the Manifesto of the Non-Violent Movement for Human Rights.

The Manifesto calls upon the government of Vietnam to respect basic human rights, accept a multiparty system, and restore the right of the Vietnamese people to choose their own form of government through free and fair elections, which reflects the will and aspirations of the people of Vietnam.

I applaud Dr. Nguyen Dan Que, for his authorship of the Manifesto, and I applaud the Vietnamese people for continuing to fight for their human rights.

I thank the gentleman from Viriginia for his leadership on this issue, and would urge my colleagues to strongly support this legislation. 

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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