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How to Search

QualityTools™, sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provides you with several methods for searching, including a Basic Search and a Detailed Search.

QualityTools Basic Search

The Basic Search option is available through the Search box at the top of each page. To search QualityTools, enter your search term(s) in the query box, and press the Enter key or click the Search button. The Results pull-down list below the query box enables you to specify the number of search results to be displayed per page.

You may enter one or more terms (e.g., prostate cancer screening) in the query box and QualityTools automatically combines (ANDs) significant terms together using automatic term mapping. You may also search QualityTools using the Boolean operators AND or OR. See below for additional "Search Tips."

After you execute your search, QualityTools will display your search results, along with your original search criteria. Search results are displayed in order of relevance based on your search criteria.

The Title of the tool is displayed, along with a brief description and a link to view the QualityTools tool Summary.

QualityTools Detailed Search

The QualityTools Detailed Search option allows you to focus your searches to a particular audience, organization type, developer, Institute of Medicine (IOM) categorizations, tool category, vulnerable populations, and/or publication date. Keyword searches, as well as searches on a specific disease/condition, can be combined with each other or with the pull-down list categories for more specific search results. See the Detailed Search Help for more information.

Search Tips

Questions or suggestions about the Search feature are welcome. Send e-mail to: info@qualitytools.ahrq.gov.