
Executive Summary

Better health is an individual responsibility, and it is an important national goal.We’re making great progress in preventing and detecting and treating many chronic diseases, and that’s good for America… We’re living longer than any generation in history. Yet we can still improve. And we can do more.

President George Bush, June 20021

This first annual National Healthcare Quality Report (NHQR) echoes the President’s message on the quality of health care in the Nation: We are making progress, we can improve, and we can do more.

Key Findings:

  • High quality health care is not yet a universal reality.
  • Opportunities for preventive care are frequently missed.
  • Management of chronic diseases presents unique quality challenges.
  • There is more to learn.
  • Greater improvement is possible.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) plays a critical role in ensuring that the American people have the safest, highest quality health care services. To that end, HHS has embarked on a multifaceted health care quality initiative. Strategies supported under this initiative include efforts to reduce medical errors with research, implementation of proven evidence-based practices, and improving reporting systems for errors and adverse events; increasing the appropriate use of effective health care services by medical providers; increasing consumer and patient use of valid, reliable health care quality information; improving consumer and patient protections; and accelerating the development and use of an electronic health information infrastructure.

Acknowledgments High Quality Health Care Is Not Yet a Universal Reality


Acknowledgments High Quality Health Care Is Not Yet a Universal Reality