Shark Valley Slough Site P33 Water Budget

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Originator: Edward R. German
Publication_Date: unpublished material
Title: Shark Valley Slough Site P33 Water Budget
Online_Linkage: <>
The data set contains data for vapor pressure gradient, air temperature gradient, soil heat flux, water temperature top and bottom, net solar radiation, water level, air temperature, wind direction and speed, relative humidity, and pyronometer.
In 1995, a study to measure and model ET in the Everglades was begun as part of the US Geological Survey South Florida Ecosystem Program. The principle objective of the study is to develop an understanding of ET within the Everglades drainage unit, excluding agricultural and brackish environments. To achieve this, a network of eight ET-measurement sites was established, representing the various types of hydrologic and vege- tative environments. Continuous measurement of ET at these sites for at least a 2-year period (October 1995 through September 1997) will be used to develop regional models of ET that can be used to estimate ET at other times throughout the Everglades.
Beginning_Date: 199510
Ending_Date: 199709
Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Progress: complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: none planned
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -80.70
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -80.70
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 25.62
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 25.62
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
Theme_Keyword: evapotranspiration
Theme_Keyword: evaporation
Theme_Keyword: transpiration
Theme_Keyword: water budget
Theme_Keyword: energy budget
Theme_Keyword: meteorological data
Theme_Keyword: meteorology
Theme_Keyword: hydrology
Theme_Keyword: groundwater
Theme_Keyword: surface water
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
Place_Keyword: Everglades National Park
Place_Keyword: Central Everglades
Place_Keyword: Shark Valley Slough
Access_Constraints: None.
These data are subject to change and are not citable until reviewed and approved for official publication by the USGS.
Point_of_Comments and suggestions? Contact:
Contact_Person: Edward R. German
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Project Chief
Address_Type: mailing address
Address: 224 W. Central Parkway
City: Altamonte Springs
State_or_Province: FL
Postal_Code: 32714
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 407 865 7575
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 407 865 6733
Station location and description, and period of record data are stored for each sampling location in the USGS NWIS database

Logical_Consistency_Report: not applicable
Completeness_Report: not applicable
The Bowen-ratio energy budget method was selected for use in the Everglades because relatively inexpensive instrumentation for continuous measurement of actual ET is available. When using this method, net radiation and soil/water heat are monitored at 15 minute intervals using thermopile and thermocouple sensors. The difference between net radiation and soil/water heat is the energy transported upward by sensible heat and latent heat, but the relative magnitudes of sensible heat and latent heat cannot be determined from energy-budget data alone. The Bowen ratio is the ratio of sensible heat to latent heat. It can be shown that the Bowen ratio is also a function of measured vertical differences of temperature and vapor pressure in the air. The energy budget can then be written in terms of the Bowen ratio to solve directly for latent heat.

Two types of stations are being used to monitor the components of the energy budget. One type is used at locations where plant transpiration could be an important part of the total ET. This type of station features a pair of movable air temperature and humidity sensors for measuring DT and De. These sensors are mounted on an exchange mechanism so that the sensor positions are reversed every 15 minutes. This reversal of position makes it possible to eliminate the effect of sensor bias on the difference measurements and is necessary to measure accurately the small differences in temperature and humidity that occur over the 3 to 5-ft vertical distance. The effect of sensor bias is removed from the 30-minute average by simply averaging the differences measured during two successive 15-minute intervals.

The other type of monitoring station is much simpler in operation and is used where permanent areas of open water occur with little emergent vegetation, so that plant transpiration is an insignificant part of the total ET. At such open-water stations, the same Bowen-ratio principle is used to partition the energy flux into convective and evaporative components. However, the temperature and vapor pressure differences can be measured from water to air, rather than within the air. Since the water-to-air differences are much greater than differences in the air over similar distances, the effect of air and vapor pressure sensor bias is insignificant. Therefore, the sensor exchange mechanism is not required, and only one vapor pressure sensor is needed. Vapor pressure at the water surface can be calculated from the water temperature.

Data are recorded at 15-minute intervals at all of the stations used in vegetated areas, and at 30-minute intervals at the open-water stations. Some of the types of data recorded at the ET stations are not used in determination of ET but are needed in models of ET, or in general interpretation of the data. Multiple sensors are used for soil data because of the heterogeneous nature of soils, and the average of the soil heat fluxes is used in the energy balance. The types of data recorded include rainfall, wind velocity, incoming solar radiation, water level, soil temperature, soil heat flux, water temperature, air temperature, moisture content of air, and moisture content of soil.

There probably are still some more subtle problems with the temperature gradient and vapor-pressure gradient data. These gradients are small in magnitude and may be perturbed at times by insect or moisture contact with the sensors. These types of perturbations are relatively infrequent and probably have little effect on the daily ET sum, though some 15-minute values of computed ET could be off.

A summary of the energy-budget method of ET calculation may help to describe usage of the data files. The basic energy-flow equation is:

Q + G + W + Le + H = 0, (eq. 1)

where Q is net solar radiation, G is soil heat flux, W is heat storage in water (above land surface), Le is the latent heat (ET), and H is the sensible heat (convection). Values for the "W" term are not included in the data files supplied, but are a function of water depth, heat capacity of water, and the mean change in water temperature from one 15-min interval to the next.

The sign convention used with these data is that energy flow is "+" for energy into the ET unit, and "-" for energy out of the unit. Thus, net radiation (Q) is "+" during the day, and "-" at night, and W is "-" when the surface water is heating up during the day and "+" when the water cools. Latent heat (Le), or ET, is "-" while ET is occurring and (theoretically) "+" while condensation, or dew, is forming although dew formation may not actually be able to be measured with the equipment.

The following is a listing of a simple SAS routine used for preliminary ET calculation. It should illustrate most of the details of using the data in the above-listed files. In this routine, the vapor-pressure gradients (de) are automatically screened to exclude values < -0.05 Kpa or > 0.05 Kpa. When values outside this range occur, the last value within the acceptable range is used. This is a rather crude data screening procedure, and other ways for filtering out questionable data are being evaluated.

data atemp; infile 'AIR.TEMP';
input @1 date yymmdd8. hr 10-11 min 13-14 @15 atemp;
data de; infile 'VAP.PRES.GRAD';
input @1 date yymmdd8. hr 10-11 min 13-14 @15 de;
if de < -9998 then delete;
data dt; infile 'AIR.TEMP.GRAD';
input @1 date yymmdd8. hr 10-11 min 13-14 @15 dt;
if dt < -9998 then delete;
data q; infile 'NET.RAD';
input @1 date yymmdd8. hr 10-11 min 13-14 @15 q;
data g ; infile 'SOIL.HEAT.FLUX';
input @1 date yymmdd8. hr 10-11 min 13-14 @15 g;
data wts ; infile 'TOP.WAT.TEMP';
input @1 date yymmdd8. hr 10-11 min 13-14 @15 wts;
data wtb ; infile 'BOT.WAT.TEMP';
input @1 date yymmdd8. hr 10-11 min 13-14 @15 wtb;
data stage ; infile 'WATER.LEVEL';
input @1 date yymmdd8. hr 10-11 min 13-14 @15 stage;

data all; merge atemp de dt q g wts wtb stage; by date hr min;
gamma = 0.000646*101.3*(1.0+ 0.000946*atemp);
avewt = mean (of wts wtb);

data fin; set all;
y=year(date); m=month(date);
lgamma = lag(gamma);
lavewt = lag(avewt); delwt = avewt-lavewt;
depth = stage-5.2;
wheat = -delwt*depth*0.3048*1000000/(14.34*15);
avegam = mean (of gamma lgamma);
if de < -50 | de > 50 then de = lag(de);
bowen = avegam*dt/de;
if bowen > -1.4 & bowen <= -1. then bowen = -1.4;
if bowen < -0.6 & bowen >= -1. then bowen = -0.6;
avail = q + g + wheat;
latent = -avail/(bowen+1.); sense = bowen*latent;
lamda = 2500.25-2.365*atemp;
et = -0.002362*15*latent/lamda;

proc means sum; by y; var et; run;

Process_Comments and suggestions? Contact:
Contact_Person: Edward R. German
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Project Chief
Address_Type: mailing address
Address: 224 W. Central Parkway
City: Altamonte Springs
State_or_Province: FL
Postal_Code: 32714
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 407 865 7575
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 407 865 6733
Process_Date: unknown

Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Project Chief
Address_Type: mailing address
Address: 4500 SW 40th Avenue
City: Ocala
State_or_Province: FL
Postal_Code: 34474-5731
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 352 237-5514 ext. 212
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 352 237-7081
Resource_Description: P33 water budget
Distribution_Liability: The data have no implied or explicit guarantees.
Format_Name: tab delimited text
Network_Resource_Name: <>
Fees: none

Metadata_Date: 19990508
Metadata_Comments and suggestions? Contact:
Contact_Person: Jo Anne Stapleton
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Address_Type: mailing address
Address: 521 National Center
City: Reston
State_or_Province: VA
Postal_Code: 20192
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 703 648 4592
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 703 648 4614
Metadata_Standard_Name: Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998

Generated by mp version 2.4.10 on Tue May 11 10:55:09 1999