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projects > tides and inflows in the mangrove ecotone (TIME) model development

Tides and Inflows in the Mangrove Ecotone (TIME) Model Development

photo of small mangroves in shallow waters
(Click on image above for larger version.)
Project Investigators: Raymond Schaffranek, Ami L. Riscassi, Harry Jenter, Kevin Kotun, Greg Desmond, David Fitterman, Edward German, Judson W. Harvey, Clinton Hittle, John W. Jones, Chris Langevin, Victor A. Levesque, Carole C. McIvor, Eduardo Patino, James E. Saiers, Thomas J. Smith III and Eric Swain

Project Personnel: Michael P. Duff, Gordon Anderson, Vince Caruso, Ed Cyran, Maria Deszcz-Pan, Pat Gammon, David Garces, Bob Glover, Chuck Henkle, Sandra Kinnaman, Jim Krest, Al Lombana, Nancy Rybicki, Dan Sechrist, Gordon Shupe, Eddie Simonds, Lars Soderqvist, Marc Stewart, Jeane-Claude Thomas, Jessica Thomas, Craig Thompson, Christa Walker, Kevin Whelan, Melinda Wolfert and Mark Zucker

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Please visit the Southern Inland and Coastal Systems (SICS) Model Development Project Webpage for more information.
Hot News: New TIME Grapher and Data Pages
The TIME Data-Station web pages have been improved and a new time-series grapher has been installed on the DATA page. The TIME Grapher is a Java Applet running in the browser window allowing the user to customize the current graph in real-time without having to reload the browser window. Data from any station in the TIME database can be plotted in the TIME Grapher wihtout having to switch to a separate station page. Visit the new TIME Grapher and Data Pages.


This project investigates the interacting effects of freshwater inflows and tidal forces in and along the mangrove ecotone of south Florida
A critical objective of the south Florida ecosystem restoration effort is to preserve ecological conditions that are consistent with habitat requirements. The duration, timing, and extent of wetland inundation in the southern Everglades have been greatly distorted as evidenced by shifts in biologic and vegetative species. Both natural and regulatory factors contribute to influence of hydroperiods making their precise evaluation and management difficult. This complexity is particularly problematic in the transition zone between the Everglades wetlands and coastal embayments encompassing the mangrove ecotone where freshwater inflow effects on salinities must also be considered. In order to correctly and sufficiently investigate flow effects on both hydroperiods and embayment salinities neither hydrologic processes affecting flows in the wetlands nor the dynamic effects of external forces such as tides and winds can be ignored. This project entails translation of findings from the Southern Inland and Coastal Systems (SICS) project and extension of the model westward to resolve boundary limitations and to enable concurrent analysis of wetland and tidal response throughout the entire saltwater-freshwater interface zone along the Gulf coast and Florida Bay. Extension of the SICS model westward will require the addition of continuous monitoring stations to supplement data from coastal creek stations and control structures needed to provide boundary conditions as well as the synoptic measurement of flows and water levels in the wetlands for use in model calibration and verification.

TIME Workshop in Key Largo

Photo of TIME attendees

USGS Process-Study and Model-Support Planning Workshop for the Tides and Inflows in the Mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) Model Development Project

On June 27-28, 2000, a two-day workshop was held to facilitate the planning, coordination, and interaction of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) project activities toward support and development of the Tides and Inflows in the Mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) model and its integration with ecological models. Participants from more than twenty Biological Resources, Geologic, National Mapping, and Water Resources Division projects, conducting research and monitoring efforts in the southern Everglades as part of the USGS South Florida Ecosystem Program, attended the planning workshop. The principal objective of the workshop was to design and develop a coordinated plan and implementation schedule to provide hydrological and ecological process-study findings and field-monitoring results for integration into the model development. Four workshop teams were formed to make planning recommendations for integration of process-study findings and monitoring results in the areas of 1) topography and landscape characterization, 2) flows, tides, salinities and forcing functions, 3) groundwater system and surface-water interactions, and 4) modeling hydrological and ecological processes. The workshop plan is expected to help guide ongoing research and monitoring efforts toward fulfilling TIME model-development needs.


Project Summaries

Work Plans

  • 2003 (Incorporation of Vegetative Resistance and Meteorological Effects into the TIME Surface-Water Model)
  • 2003 (Development of Surface-Water Component of TIME Model)
  • 2004 (TIME Surface-Water Model)
  • 2004 (TIME Model Development - Vegetative Resistance and Meteorological Effects)




Related links:

Related websites:

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
This page is: http://snowball /projects/time/index.html
Comments and suggestions? Contact: Heather Henkel - Webmaster
Last updated: 27 August, 2004 @ 05:38 PM (HSH)