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Meet the Photographers - Frank Ruopoli Banner

Frank Ruopoli has been a Graphic Designer/Illustrator for the NOAA Coastal Services Center since 1997. Frank earned a B.F.A. in Graphic Design at the Savannah College of Art and Design in 1993.

As a designer, he helps package complex scientific information into useful products for the nation's local and state coastal resource managers. As the Center's only graphic designer/illustrator, his work includes design and layouts for print publications, exhibits, web pages, and multi-media presentations. His work in design has won him numerous awards from NOAA and professional organizations. Award winning projects include NOAA's Diversity logo, NOAA's 30th anniversary Web page, and the Center's bi-monthly magazine.

As a photographer, his work includes taking photographs for the Coastal Services magazine and various projects for the Center. His photographs have also appeared in many magazines, newspapers, and advertisements in South Carolina. Frank is a native of Charleston, South Carolina. He lives there with his musical and artistic wife, Regina. They both enjoy playing music, taking photographs, and making fine art.



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Publication of the NOAA Central Library
Last Updated: 2/13/01
