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How Much Do Americans Pay for Fruits and Vegetables?

By Jane Reed, Elizabeth Frazão, and Rachel Itskowitz

Agriculture Information Bulletin No. (AIB790) 39 pp, July 2004

This analysis uses ACNielsen Homescan data on 1999 household food purchases from all types of retail outlets to estimate an annual retail price per pound and per serving for 69 forms of fruits and 85 forms of vegetables. Among the forms we priced, more than half were estimated to cost 25 cents or less per serving. Consumers can meet the recommendation of three servings of fruits and four servings of vegetables daily for 64 cents.

Keywords: fruits and vegetables, household food expenditures, scanner data, ACNielsen Homescan, food prices, ERS, USDA

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See the related data product, How Much Do Americans Pay for Fruits and Vegetables?

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