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Office of Public Affairs

HSA Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Health Savings Account (“HSA”)?

How can I get a Health Savings Account?

Who is eligible for a Health Savings Account?

What Is a “High Deductible Health Plan” (HDHP)?

Who can contribute to a Health Savings Account?

How much can I contribute to a Health Savings Account?

Do Health Savings Account funds roll over year after year and get invested?

Who has control over the money invested in a Health Savings Account?

What happens to the money in a Health Savings Account after you hit age 65?

Can you roll the money in a Health Savings Account over into an IRA?

What can distributions from the HSA be used for?

Are dental and vision care qualified medical expenses under a Health Savings Account?

What is the definition, or eligibility criteria, for qualified preventative health care expenses covered by HSA policies?

Can anyone make catch-up contributions to a Health Savings Account?

How do Health Savings Accounts fit in with the Administration’s other health care proposals?

What is the Administration's High Deductible Health Insurance Premium Proposal?


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