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We We AreWho We Are

Wisconsin Emergency Management coordinates with state and federal agencies, as well as volunteer and private sector partners. We support 72 counties and bring emergency management services to the state's 5.3 million citizens. We are located at the central office in Madison and have six regional offices that provide local support.   

Update on the Disaster Assistance 10/12/2004

Wisconsin's Winter Awareness Week
November 8-12, 2004  

Take the Natural Hazards Preparedness Survey

WEM Mission Statement

Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) coordinates effective disaster response and recovery efforts in support of local governments. Through planning, training and exercising we prepare ourselves, our citizens and response personnel to minimize the loss of lives and property.

—Quick Links—
Wisconsin Homeland Security
Significant Risk of Terrorist Attacks
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Advisory System

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Hazard Mitigation
Warning & Communications
Emergency Police Services
Disaster Response & Recovery
Hazardous Materials & EPCRA
Radiological Emergency Preparedness
Exercise & Training

Regional Offices

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