About GSA
Schedules Cooperative Purchasing Information

A recent change in the law amended the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act to allow for Cooperative Purchasing. Cooperative Purchasing allows state and local governments to purchase from Schedule 70, Information Technology and Corporate schedule contracts. The information includes automated data, processing equipment, software, supplies support, and equipment.

Since its implementation in May 2003, state and local governments have purchased over 8 million in products and services, the majority being services, under the cooperative purchasing agreement.


Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Federal Supply Services Cooperative Purchasing PowerPoint Presentation on Cooperative Purchasing PDF 473k 10/17/2003
  Cooperative Purchasing and you A presentation about the Coalition for Government Procurement PowerPoint 46k 10/17/2003
  Cooperative Purchasing Brochure A brochure about Cooperative Purchasing PDF 406k 5/3/2004
Last Modified 10/18/2004