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Pages H1373-H1394

1 . The House met at 10 a.m. and was called to order by the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. LaHood). -- (House of Representatives - March 24, 2004)
2 . DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE -- (House of Representatives - March 24, 2004)
3 . PRAYER -- (House of Representatives - March 24, 2004)
4 . THE JOURNAL -- (House of Representatives - March 24, 2004)
5 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -- (House of Representatives - March 24, 2004)
6 . WELCOMING DON ALDO BRUNACCI -- (House of Representatives - March 24, 2004)
7 . INSIGHTFUL EDITORIAL CENSORED -- (House of Representatives - March 24, 2004)
8 . SENSE OF HOUSE REGARDING HEART DISEASE AMONG WOMEN -- (House of Representatives - March 24, 2004)
9 . THE JOURNAL -- (House of Representatives - March 24, 2004)
10 . PERSONAL EXPLANATION -- (House of Representatives - March 24, 2004)
11 . MULTIDISTRICT LITIGATION RESTORATION ACT OF 2004 -- (House of Representatives - March 24, 2004)
12 . PERSONAL EXPLANATION -- (House of Representatives - March 24, 2004)
13 . PERSONAL EXPLANATION -- (House of Representatives - March 24, 2004)
14 . CHILD NUTRITION IMPROVEMENT AND INTEGRITY ACT -- (House of Representatives - March 24, 2004)