United States Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agricultural Service
Circular Series
FS 02-99
November 1999
Sugar: World Markets and Trade
Total world raw sugar production is forecast to reach 133.9 million metric tons in 1999/2000, an increase of 3 percent over 1998/99. Production is forecast to increase for the sixth straight year, the longest recorded period of consistent growth since the late 1960's. Global sugar production has increased by 22 percent over this six year period. The most significant change over this period has been the growth of Brazil, both as a producer and an exporter. Brazil has accounted for 28 percent of the increase in world production and 75 percent of the increase in exports from 1993/94 to 1999/2000. Brazil has pushed its share of total world trade from 14 percent to 26 percent. The increasing market share of Brazil has largely come at the expense of the next four largest exporters: the European Union, Australia, Thailand, and Cuba, whose total market share has decreased by about 10 percent. Brazil’s preeminence in the world raw sugar market seems to be assured for the near future given its relatively low production costs and its alcohol sector acting as an important alternative outlet for cane.

Last modified: Thursday, April 06, 2000