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November 9, 1999

China’s Winter Crops Area for 2000/2001 Projected to Increase; Wheat to Decrease

China’s farmers are planning to expand planted area for 2000/01 winter crops by about 2 percent, according to a government survey by the National Statistics Bureau. Rapeseed and cash crop area is expected to increase at the expense of staple grains such as wheat. The survey indicated a 1.5 percent decrease in winter wheat area compared to last year. The current USDA estimate for 1999/2000 wheat production is 115 million tons, the second highest on record. Official USDA estimates for 2000/01 Chinese wheat production will not be available until May.



For more information, contact Paulette Sandene with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division on (202) 690-0137.

Last modified: Wednesday, October 22, 2003