Energy Management Frequently Asked Questions
Contractor Questions
  1. What is the process for me to get listed on the GSA Energy Services Schedule?

    Download the solicitation from Fill it out completely, following instructions, and send it to the address provided. A contracting officer will review your offer and negotiate pricing, which will be based on a commercial price list or labor-hour rates. Once your contract is awarded, you will be able to post your company information on GSA Advantage, on our web-pages and you will be able to use our schedule identifier on your marketing materials.

  2. How do I get on GSA Advantage?

    You must use the SIP disk provided in your contract award package, or download the latest version from the Vendor Support Center website Only after submitting this information as instructed and receiving a confirmation message will your information appear on GSA Advantage.

Customer Questions
  1. How do I place an order under this schedule?

    Send your request for quote (which includes your performance bsed statement of work) to three or more schedule contractors, evaluate your responses for best value and Send a task order to your selection.

  2. I do not have a contracting warrant. Can I order off the schedule?

    No. A contracting officer needs to place orders against the schedule. You would need to contact your contracting department with your requirement, let them know which contractors on the schedule you prefer, provide them with your statement of work and let them take care of the ordering process.