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EHP 2004 Review Issue
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Environmental Medicine Case Report

Subcutaneous Injection of Mercury: "Warding Off Evil"

Venkat L. Prasad
Tri County Community Health Center, Dunn, North Carolina, USA

Deliberate injection of mercury, especially subcutaneous injection, is rare but is seen in psychiatric patients, individuals who attempt suicide, those who are accidentally injected, and boxers who wish to build muscle bulk. Metallic mercury plays a major role in ethnic folk medicine. Neurologic and renal complications can result from high systemic levels of mercury, and subcutaneous injection usually results in sterile abscesses. Urgent surgical evacuation and close monitoring for neurologic and renal functions as well as chelation (if toxicity is indicated) are key aspects of treatment. Education of the adverse effects and dangers of mercury is important, especially in pregnant women and children. As increased immigration changes demographic patterns, proper disposal of mercury and preventing its sale and use should become urgent societal priorities. Psychiatric consultation should be obtained whenever appropriate. Key words: case report, local abscesses, mercury injection, subcutaneous. Environ Health Perspect 112:1326-1328 (2004). [Online 22 July 2004]

Address correspondence to V.L. Prasad, Tri County Community Health Center, 3331 Easy St., Dunn, NC 28334 USA. Telephone: (910) 567-6194. Fax: (910) 567- 4570. E-mail:

The author declares he has no competing financial interests.

Received 4 December 2003; accepted 22 July 2004.

doi:10.1289/ehp.6891 available via

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