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Fact Sheet
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Washington, DC
June 1, 2004

FY 1999-2000 Human Rights and Democracy Fund Projects

DRL's Human Rights and Democracy Fund (HRDF), which is DRL's allocation of the Economic Support Fund (ESF), is used to fulfill the Bureau's mandate to monitor and promote human rights and democracy worldwide. HRDF supports innovative programming designed to uphold democratic principles, support democratic institutions, promote human rights, and build civil society in countries and regions of the world that are geo-strategically critical to the U.S. The following are programs that have been or are currently being supported through the fund.

FY 1999-2000 ESF Funds ($9,000,000)


·         National Endowment for Democracy (NED) China Program ($1,654,000) – The National Endowment of Democracy will support a grant-making program to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law in the People’s Republic of China. 

·         China Human Rights and Legal Reform ($296,000) – This project will promote rule of law and respect for human rights in China by holding a conference on international human rights law.

Middle East
·         Religious Reconciliation ($50,000) – Support local efforts in Lebanon to advance communal and ethnic tolerance through technical assistance and infrastructure building.

·         ICMP ($2,000,000) – Fund ICMP operations in Bosnia, Croatia, and the FRY.
·         Human Rights Commission ($1,250,000) – Support the Bosnia Human Rights Commission, as the human rights arm of the Dayton process, including the deployment of an executive officer for the Human Rights Chamber.

·         Sierra Leone  ($299,935) – Technical election support for the National Elections Council of Sierra Leone.

East Asia
·        East Timor ($700,000) – Support for the UN-administered autonomy ballot consultation. 
·         East Asia Democracy Forum ($278,000) – This program supports a series of conferences, workshops, and training programs to help develop and strengthen democracy in the region and develop a network of democracy proponents throughout Asia.


·         American University/Diane Orentlicher ($140,000) – Fund Ms. Orentlicher to be seconded to the OSCE’s High Commissioner on National Minorities with a focus on early warning and conflict prevention.

·         World Movement for Democracy in New Delhi ($275,000) – The first general assembly of NED’s global democracy initiative. 

·         Post Genocide Women’s Project ($218,065) – Provide economic and social development support to genocide survivors in Rwanda and Cambodia. 

·         World Conference on Religion and Peace ($300,000) – Support a two-phase program to promote religious tolerance in Indonesia to foster a non-violent atmosphere prior to the selection of a president in October 1999.

·         Fair Labor Association ($739,000) – Establish the Fair Labor Association, a not-for-profit organization committed to provide accurate information on working conditions under which products are made.

·         Vital Voices Follow-up ($50,000) – Support community programs aimed at breaking down religious, political, economic, social, and cultural barriers that affect women in Northern Ireland.

·         Pell Institute for International Relations and Public Policy ($750,000) – Support the Salve Regina University’s Pell Center expansion of its efforts to enhance international dialogue and promote world peace.  This was a congressional earmark.   


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