OPM Seal

U.S. Office of Personnel Management



Positions are placed in the excepted service because open competitive examination is not feasible, for example, the positions are in remote locations, non-Federal entity involvement in the selection process, undercover investigations work, or a critical hiring need exists.

Veterans' Readjustment Appointment (VRA)

A veterans' readjustment appointment is a special authority by which agencies may appoint certain veterans of the Armed Forces, without open competition, to positions in the Federal Government. Agencies may fill jobs up through GS-11 (base pay of $35,786) or its equivalent in other pay systems. The provisions of a VRA include:

Student Educational Employment Program

Special program designed to assist students gain valuable work experience while pursuing their education. Students are given a chance to combine academic study with on-the-job training. The program offers full-time and part-time employment opportunities and the students are appointed at the grade level for which they qualify. Students are eligible for this program for the duration of their academic study, if they are:

The student educational employment program has two components -- student career experience program and the student temporary employment program.

Student career experience program - offers tuition assistance, health and life insurance, and the opportunity to convert to a term, career-conditional or career appointment in the competitive service. Agencies who wish to convert these students must do so within 120 days after completion of degree requirements, and a minimum of 640 work hours.

Student temporary employment program - offers training opportunities, and the opportunity to transfer into the student career experience program.

Special appointment of readers, interpreters, and personal assistants

Positions as needed to serve as readers for blind employees, interpreters for deaf employees, and personal assistants for handicapped employees. These positions may be full-time or part-time.

Special appointment of mentally retarded persons

Positions filled by mentally retarded persons. These appointments are generally made on a continuing basis without time limitations. The employees may work full-time or part-time work schedules. Upon completion of 2 years of successful performance, the employee may qualify for conversion to the competitive service.

Special appointment of severely physically handicapped persons

Positions filled by severely physically handicapped persons who, (1) under a temporary appointment, have demonstrated their ability to perform the job satisfactorily; or (2) have been certified by counselors of the State vocational rehabilitation agencies or the Veterans Administration as likely to succeed in the performance of the duties. The employees may work full-time or part-time work schedules. Upon completion of 2 years of successful performance, the employee may qualify for conversion to the competitive service.

Agency-specific excepted appointment authorities

There are numerous excepted appointment authorities which are issued to agencies for their specific needs. Managers should work with their personnel offices in identifying excepted appointment authorities which may be appropriate.


Except for participants in the student temporary employment program, the above-mentioned excepted service appointments provide for retirement benefits, health and life insurance, and annual and sick leave accrual. Student temporaries earn annual and sick leave and may be eligible for health insurance after 1 year of employment. However, they must pay the full health insurance premiums.

Additional information can be found in the following references: 5 U.S.C. 3320; 38 U.S.C. 4211-4214; 5 CFR parts 213, 302, and 307.

Updated 25 March 1997