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United States Office of Personnel Management

Leave Administration
2000 - 2001 Emergency Dismissal or Closure Procedures
OPM Form 71, Request for Leave
Voluntary Leave Transfer Program Forms
Emergency Leave Transfer Program Forms
FMLA Medical Certification Form
Reference Index
Laws, Regulations, and other References
Leave Issues
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Federal Leave Fact Sheets
Organ Donor Leave
Questions and Answers
Sick Leave to Care for a Family Member
Voluntary Leave Transfer Program Regulations
Lump-sum Payments
Fact Sheet
Regulations (pdf)
General Pay and Leave Policy
Emergency Memos
Emergency Leave Transfer Program (pdf)
Final Regs. on the Expanded Use of Sick Leave for Family Care
Family and Medical Leave Act 
Lump-Sum Payments (pdf)
Y2K Restored Leave (pdf)
Voluntary Leave Transfer Program
Report to Congress on Sick Leave to Care for a Family Member
Report to President On Volunteerism
Employees in Volunteer Activities
Workplace Advocacy
Family-Friendly Workplace Advocacy Office
Leave Policy Workshops
Family-Friendly Leave Policies

New ImageGuidance on Military LeaveNew Image
Sick Leave to Care for a Family Member Logo of children The Family and Medical Leave Act
Emergency Guide Memoranda Organ Donor Leave

Fact Sheets on Federal Leave Programs
Click Here

The Leave Policy Bulletin Board

Hi everyone!

Leave Policy Updates:

  • Report to Congress on Paid Parental Leave.  Click Here.

  • Restoring Annual Leave for Employees Deemed Essential in the National Emergency.  Click Here.

  • Frequently asked questions on Military Leave.  Click here.

  • Questions and Answers on Potential Exposure to Anthrax.  Click Here.

  • We are pleased to announce the issuance of eight new electronic leave forms.  Go to forms.
    Go to announcement memo.

OPM Leave Administration Team

New  2001 Leave Workshops  New
Click here for more information

OPM Leave Administration

The Office of Personnel Management provides Governmentwide leadership on Federal leave policies and programs. This is accomplished by developing and maintaining Governmentwide regulations and policies on the administration of leave, including the Family and Medical Leave Act, family-friendly leave policies, Federal leave sharing programs, annual leave, sick leave, and time off for special circumstances--e.g., early dismissal or closure for weather emergencies. However, each Federal agency is responsible for administering leave policies and programs for its own employees.


For more information on leave policies, agencies may contact (202) 606-2858, FAX: (202) 606-0824, or send an email message to payleave@opm.gov.

Complete our customer survey.  Go to survey.