USDA Forest Service

Salmon-Challis National Forest

Campsite Reservations
Public Lands Info (For information on camping in National Forests)
National Fire Center
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Salmon-Challis National Forest
50 Hwy 93 South
Salmon, ID 83467

(208) 756-5100

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Recreational Activities

2004 Sextants to Satellites Heritage Expedition August 23 - 27, 2004

Join the Salmon-Challis National Forest Heritage Team on the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail documenting Corps of Discovery history. Spend a week learning about 19th and 21st century mapping along some of the most pristine sections of the Trail in the United States. Members of this 21st Century Heritage Expedition will work with Forest Service archaeologists using the same types of tools and techniques Lewis and Clark used in 1805, as well as the most up to date modern instruments, to map the Trail. click here for more information

Lewis & Clark Interactive Tour

*anything misspelled is done to preserve the words of Lewis and Clarks' own remarks.

August 12 to September 3, 1805

Appointed by President Thomas Jefferson, Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were charged with finding a navigable water route to the Pacific Coast. Departing Wood River, Illinois, in May 1804, the expedition traveled for fifteen months to reach the headwaters of the Missouri River, then crossed the Continental Divide and entered the Lemhi Valley on August 12, 1805.

The Corps of Discovery faced many perils in this region. Stricken by limited provisions with winter fast approaching, the party transported mountains of canvas, wood and iron gear. After paddling the length of the Missouri River, the treacherous current of the Salmon River and the steep, crumbly surrounding mountains proved to be formidable obstacles.

Lewis with three men led an Advance Party over Lemhi Pass and encountered the Lemhi Shoshoni Nation. Convincing the Shoshoni that the small party posed no threat to their well-being, they agreed to accompany Lewis' party back over the pass and to assist the main party.

Clark led the Reconnaissance Party into the valley to explore the feasibility of navigating the Salmon River. Faced with the strong possibility of drowning should their flimsy canoes be swept into the rocks by the swift current, the party made a critical decision changing the course of the expedition and opted for a somewhat less hazardous, but equally difficult dry-land route.

Encamped back in Montana, Lewis sorted supplies necessary for the Portage Party over Lemhi Pass. Winter now only weeks away, the Entire Expedition grew anxious to get to the Pacific Coast.

Imagine the hardships faced by these explorers as they trekked through the Lemhi and Salmon River Valleys, and uncover places where you can retrace Lewis and Clark's steps in areas where little has changed since they were here.

USDA Forest Service - Salmon-Challis National Forest
Last Modified: Friday, 25 June 2004 at 18:40:10 EDT

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