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Afloat Ashore Aviation Media/Magazines Occupational Safety and Health Statistics Naval Safety Center

Media Department


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Important Note: Our magazines have undergone some recent changes:

  • Approach is now a bi-monthly instead of monthly as of the January-February 2004 issue.

  • The Oct/Dec issue of Fathom was that magazine's final issue. It is being combined with the renamed Ashore into a new title, Sea&Shore (its first issue is now available).

A Safety Message to the Fleet from Commander, Naval Safety Center - A three-minute video of RADM Brooks' message to the fleet.

2003 Flight-Deck Awareness Guide  The fourth edition (2003) can now be viewed, downloaded or printed.  Hard-copy versions were shipped and back order copies are available.

Approach and Mech Presentation -- Want a different show for your next safety stand-down, check out our new offering.

Clip-Art Gallery - Cartoons and mini-posters to download and use in newsletters and PODs.

Safety Posters - A selection of downloadable posters to help promote safety awareness.

Approach Sections

Mech Sections

Ashore Sections

Writing 101 & English 101 - If you would like to write an article for one of our magazines, here's something to help you get started.

Tell us what you think - Read one of our magazines?  Tell us what you liked and disliked.

Additional resources may be found on our military only site

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Last Updated: 28 Oct 2004