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Office Of International Affairs

Treasury International Capital System

Principal Repayment Estimates for Asset-backed Securities (ABS), including mortgage-backed securities (MBS)

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Background - November 17, 2003

The TIC Form S gathers data, primarily from securities brokers and dealers, on cross-border purchases, sales, and redemptions of long-term securities. However, it does not capture the periodic (often monthly) principal payments that are distributed to holders of asset-backed securities (ABS) prior to redemption.

Use of the TIC Form S data without considering the effect of these principal payments may lead to a significant overestimate of foreign net purchases of U.S. securities. To assist TIC users, FRBNY has estimated monthly ABS principal payments to foreign holders for July 2002 - September 2003. For further details, see the note below on “Methodology.” Estimates for future months will be published at the time of the release of the TIC Form S data. (No adjustment is made for principal payments on U.S. holdings of foreign ABS because these holdings currently are very small).

Examples of how the adjustments can be made

The estimated adjustments can be applied to the aggregate total data for “U.S. Transactions with Foreigners in Long-Term Securities.” Separate adjustments are provided for “U.S. Government Corporation and Federally-sponsored agency bonds” and for “U.S. corporate and other bonds.” Adjustments are not estimated for geographic regions or countries.

Data for December 2002 are used to illustrate how the data for adjustments can be used. Repayments of principal on U.S. agency and corporate ABS are the equivalent of sales by foreigners of these U.S. securities. Thus, including U.S. agency ABS principal repayments would reduce reported net purchases of long-term agency securities in December 2002 from $15,784 million to $10,336 million. Accounting for U.S. corporate ABS principal repayments in December 2002 would reduce reported net purchases of long-term corporate securities from $13,178 million to $10,384 million.

Adjustment data. Also in (CSV) format.

Methodology used to estimate the adjustments. PDF icon (PDF) (11/18/03)


Using the TIC System

U.S. Transactions with Foreigners in Long-Term Securities

U.S. Banking Liabilities to Foreigners

U.S. Banking Claims on Foreigners

Foreign Portfolio Investment Benchmark Surveys

Forms & Instructions


Articles of Interest