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Expressing the appreciation of the Senate for the Paralyzed Veterans of America. (Agreed to by Senate)



2d Session

S. RES. 337

Expressing the appreciation of the Senate for the Paralyzed Veterans of America.


April 8, 2004

Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself, Mr. SPECTER, Mr. GRAHAM of Florida, Mr. MILLER, Mr. CAMPBELL, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. GRAHAM of South Carolina, Mr. AKAKA, Mr. NELSON of Nebraska, Mr. BOND, Mr. COLEMAN, Mr. BUNNING, and Mr. STEVENS) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to


Expressing the appreciation of the Senate for the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

Whereas for 58 years Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), a veterans service organization chartered by Congress, has served the needs of its members, veterans of the Armed Forces who have experienced spinal cord injury or dysfunction;

Whereas Paralyzed Veterans of America, with 34 chapters and 6 subchapters, has a stated mission to be a leading advocate for quality health care for its members through the health care system of the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department network of Spinal Cord Injury Centers, and other private and public health care providers;

Whereas Paralyzed Veterans of America, with 57 service offices and a network of service officers, has helped its members and hundreds of thousands of other veterans receive the benefits and health care they have earned through service in the Armed Forces;

Whereas Paralyzed Veterans of America is a leader in medical and prosthetic research, funding two research foundations that investigate a broad spectrum of neurological science to seek a cure for spinal cord injury as well as breakthroughs in rehabilitation to improve the quality of life of all Americans with spinal cord injury or dysfunction;

Whereas Paralyzed Veterans of America is a leading advocate within the veterans community in the Nation's capital, making certain the needs of its members are recognized by Congress and the Executive Branch of the Federal Government;

Whereas the Advocacy Program of Paralyzed Veterans of America joins the disability community in seeking to ensure civil rights and access to transportation, housing, and the physical environment for individuals with disabilities in order to maximize the independence of all Americans with disabilities;

Whereas through its architecture programs, Paralyzed Veterans of America is a leading force in barrier-free design, serving as consultant in the public and private sector to ensure a barrier-free physical environment for all Americans with disabilities;

Whereas Paralyzed Veterans of America has one of the Nation's largest wheelchair sports programs, fostering a wide range of sporting, indoor, and outdoor recreational events to encourage physical activity and comradeship so vital to the ongoing rehabilitation of its members;

Whereas Paralyzed Veterans of America is designating the week of April 11 through 17, 2004, as Paralyzed Veterans of America Awareness Week in order to support a wide variety of programs designated to highlight the services it provides nationwide and promote recognition of the sacrifice its members have made on behalf of a grateful Nation: Now therefore be it

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