[NPS Arrowhead] U.S. Dept. of Interior National Park Service Archeology and Ethnography Program
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interpretation for archeologists: a guide to increasing knowledge, skills and abilities (photo) Button recovered at Fort McHenry National Monument.

America's archeological resources embody a rich heritage of human experiences and cultural identities. They tell us about people from the past and establish important connections to the present. Interpretation guides the public to realizing the personal relevance of archeological resources and the importance of their preservation and protection.

Interpretation for Archeologists: A Guide to Increasing Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities helps archeologists to examine the art and science by which interpretations are made. The guide focuses on the purpose, philosophy, and techniques of interpretation. It encourages archeologists to examine and share their work with the public, but also to integrate archeological perspectives into the interpretive management of their parks and programs.

This guide will take you through the steps of the interpretive journey. You will learn why archeologists do interpretation, what they do as interpreters, and how to form your own interpretive programs. Make this guide and its exercises a tool for personal and professional development. Take encouragement and inspiration from the process. Most of all, have fun along the way.  Start the guide >>

(photos) An archeologist interprets archeology with students.

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