[NPS Arrowhead] U.S. Dept. of Interior National Park Service Archeology and Ethnography Program
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studies in archeology & ethnography
(photo) Curator holding an artifact.

*1. Costs of Curating Archeological Collections: A study of repository fees in 2002 and 1997/98
by s. terry childs and karolyn kinsey, 2003

*2. Implementing the Antiquities Act: A survey of archeological permits 1906-1935
by kathleen browning, 2003

*3. Permitting Archeology: An overview of the national archeological database, permits module
by s. terry childs, jennifer hembree, and rachel berry, 2003

*4. A Brief Ethnography of Magnolia Plantation: Planning for Cane River Creole National Historic Park
by muriel (miki) crespi, 2004

*5. A Survey of SHPO Archeological Report Bibliographic Systems, 2002
by s. terry childs and karolyn kinsey, 2004


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