[NPS Arrowhead] U.S. Dept. of Interior National Park Service Archeology and Ethnography Program
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NADB: National Archeological Database (photo)  Image of a cliff dwelling

The National Archeological Database—a computerized communications network for the archeological and historic preservation community—was established to improve access to information on archeological activities nationwide. This internationally recognized resource is maintained through a cooperative agreement between NPS and the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST) at the University of Arkansas.

Archeological Reports

NADB-Reports is an expanded bibliographic inventory of approximately 350,000 reports on archeological planning and investigation, mostly of limited circulation. This "gray literature" represents a large portion of the primary information available on archeological sites in the U.S. NADB-Reports was last updated in August 2004.

NADB-Reports can be queried by state, county, worktype, cultural affiliation, keyword, material, year of publication, title, and author.

The NADB-Reports Citation form is available here.

NADB Permits

The Permits module of the National Archeological Database contains records of over 3200 federal permits, providing key information about archeological and paleontological investigations carried out on federal and Indian lands between 1907-86.

The following pages summarize the wide range of information contained in the NADB-Permits database, which will be available for online searching soon.



NADB-MAPS (Multiple Attribute Presentation System) is a graphical application, which contains a variety of maps (GIS) showing national distributions of cultural and environmental resources across the U.S. by state and county.

For each entry, you may view and download a map, as well as metadata information.

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