July 8,2004


To: 		Bureau Assistant Directors, Administration
		Director, National Business Center
		Bureau Finance Officers
		Finance Officer, Financial Management Services
		Director of Acquisition and Property Management

From: 		William E. Webber /s/
		Focus Leader, Asset and Debt Management
		Office of Financial Management

Subject: 	Airline Food-For-Purchase Program Guidance Reduced M&IE Allowance 
		for the First and Last Day of Assignment

The purpose of this Financial Administration Memorandum (FAM) is to provide 
guidance on the new airline food-for-purchase program, and to remind travelers 
of the policy regarding the reduced meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) 
allowance for the first and last day of the travel assignment.

Airline Food-for-Purchase Service:
Many airlines now offer a food-for-purchase service to travelers. Travelers 
should not use the Government-issued travel card for these purchases. Instead, 
travelers are to use an authorized ATM cash advance to purchase such meals. If a 
traveler inadvertently uses the travel charge card, then they must adjust the 
voucher for centrally billed items.

M&IE Allowance - First and Last Day of Travel:
When the travel period is more than 12 but less than 24 hours, the M&IE 
allowance is 75 percent of the applicable rate as specified in the Federal 
Travel Regulation (FTR) for the location, unless a different rate is fully 
justified and approved. For travel 24 hours or more, the M&IE allowance is 
computed as:

• The day of departure 75 percent of the applicable M&IE rate.
• Full days of travel 100 percent of the applicable M&IE rate.
• The last day of travel 75 percent of the applicable M&IE rate.

(Reference: 41 CFR 301-11.101)

Should you have questions or require additional information regarding this FAM, 
please direct them to Tamara Peyton of this office on (202) 208–6227.

Prior Financial Administration
Memoranda on this Subject: 

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