September 1, 2004


To: 		Bureau Assistant Directors, Administration
		Chief Executive Officer, National Business Center
		Bureau Finance Officers 
		Finance Officer, Financial Management Services
		Director, Office of Acquisition and Property Management

From: 		William E. Webber /s/
		Focus Leader, Asset and Debt Management 
		Office of Financial Management

Subject: 	Unemployment Compensation (UC) Charges

Attached is the prorated share of UC charges for each bureau. The Department of 
Labor (DOL) initial billing for April, May and June (FY 2004) was allocated to 
each bureau based on percentages obtained from the contractor's match of actual 
state charges with Department of the Interior payroll records for the period 
October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2003. A copy of the pertinent DOL bill is 
attached. Additional DOL bills may be forthcoming for those states that have not 
reported charges.

The Division of Financial Management Services, National Business Center, will 
use IPAC ( Intra-Government Payment and Collection) System to bill each bureau 
for these UC charges. To record the transaction, bureau finance personnel are to 
use Agency Location Code 16010004, for the Department of Labor, as the IPAC 
vendor in lieu of 14010001, for the Office of the Secretary. This will prevent 
problems with intra-departmental and intra-Governmental eliminations 
econciliation required for the CFO Financial Statements. 

If you have any questions concerning this subject, please contact Michael 
Anthony on (202) 208-6824.


Prior Financial Administration
Memorandums on this Subject:

No. 2004-004 (II.H.), June 3, 2004 - Active
No. 2004-002 (II.H.), March 3, 2004 - Active
No. 2003-023 (II.H.), December 3, 2003 - Active
No. 2003-019 (II.H.), September 8, 2003 - Active
No. 2003-014 (II.H.), June 2, 2003 - Active
No. 2003-006 (II.H.), March 12, 2003 - Active 

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