[NPS Arrowhead] U.S. Dept. of Interior National Park Service Archeology and Ethnography Program
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The Story of the Antiquities Act
(photo) Wukoki Pueblo at Wupatki National Monument is a spectacular example of the archeological resources protected by the Antiquities Act.

Foreword to the 2001 Electronic Version
Francis P. McManamon

Introduction to the 2001 Electronic Version
Bruce Babbitt


Chapter 1
Beginnings of Public Interest in American Indian Antiquities

Chapter 2
Saving Casa Grande, 1889

Chapter 3
Growth of Interest in American Indian Antiquities, 1889-1906

Chapter 4
Vandalism and Commercialization of Antiquities, 1890-1906

Chapter 5
The Temporary Protection of Ruins

Chapter 6
The Antiquities Act, 1900-1906

Chapter 7
Creating Mesa Verde National Park and Chartering the Archaeological Institute, 1906

Chapter 8
The Proclamation of National Monuments Under the Antiquities Act, 1906-1970

Appendix A
An Act for the Preservation of American Antiquities, Approved June 8, 1906

Appendix B
Uniform Rules and Regulations to carry out the provisions of the Antiquities Act


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