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Interesting Pictures from around the Area

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Ft. Thompson Flash Flood Pictures from Tuesday morning, August 3rd.


Facing north on the road to Pierre at the four-way stop by the Episcopal Church in Fort Thompson. You see the flood waters are flowing South and the road is closed.

Facing south at the four way section by Lynn's Dakotamart (which is on the left). The intersection was blocked off preventing people from getting to work in that area.

Front of the Catholic Church which is next to the Casino on the North side.

Facing West looking at the Casino, can you see the water fall from the road.

Another shot of the Casino.

The above pictures are courtesy of Jean Nahomni Mani, from Ft. Thompson. Jean said "We've been praying for rain, and got many prayers answered. Now we know what Noah felt like. About 7:10am I checked outside and saw it was really dark and the wind was picking up. At 7:15am the rain started to pour like sheets, and I mean pour. I had an empty cake pan on the porch and by 8:30am it was filled with rain water." She also went on to say "The flooding happened in about one hour, I took the photo's about 9:15am. That's a lot of water considering it started to rain about 7:15am. Residents in the central housing area, which is West of the casino had lots of stories to tell. Some one had put a couch on their front yard to throw away, it was washed some where past Central housing. An elderly lady said she watched the couch, two mattresses float on by down by the water sewage plant. "

National Weather Service
Aberdeen Forecast Office
824 Brown County 14 South Aberdeen, SD 57401
Page last modified: August 06, 2004
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