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Industrial Meteorology

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Commercial Weather Providers Serving the U.S.

DISCLAIMER The accompanying list of companies and individuals is purely intended as informational with no implied endorsement. For further information on these companies, you will need to contact them directly. In addition, the information in the accompanying list has been provided by the companies and individual themselves, and the government makes no claim as to the accuracy or authenticity of this information.


The following represents a compilation of contact information for private sector meteorologists as well as private weather service companies that have indicated that they provide weather services within the U.S.

We will update this list as we receive new requests for inclusion.

If you would like to add information to this listing, or have any additional questions, please contact:

Strategic Planning and Policy Office
National Weather Service, NOAA
1325 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3283
Phone: (301) 713-0258
Fax: (301) 713-1239

The AMS Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) Program

The Certified Consulting Meteorologist program is a service for business, industry, and the general public provided by the American Meteorological Society (AMS). Please note that while the AMS has accredited certification status to the CCM's noted in this directory, this certification does not extend to any areas of specialization noted, which have been provided by the individuals. For further information on the CCM program or to access AMS's own Directory of Certified Consulting Meteorologists, visit the AMS web site , or contact The American Meteorological Society, 45 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108, (617) 227-2425.

Service Code Key

The following codes are used in the directory listings to identify companies and individuals providing the listed services.

  • AM, Applied Meteorological Services
  • AW, Agricultural Weather Services
  • CS, Basic Consulting Services
  • EM, Weather Equipment/Software Manufacturer
  • FOS, Commercial Subscriber to NWS Family of Services Weather Data and Products
  • FWP, Forecasting and Weather Prediction
  • GS, Gulf Stream Analysis
  • MW, Marine Weather
  • TR, Training

Access the Directory Listings by Meteorologist Affiliation .

Access the Directory Listings by State.

Access the ASCII Version of the Directory . (Choose this option if large files are a problem for your browser.)

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US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Strategic Planning and Policy Office
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Page last modified: March 17, 2004
Page Author: Strategic Planning and Policy Office
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