
Cottonwood Pests Image Library

Author(s): Wilson, A. Dan; Lester, D.G.
Date: 1998
Source: US Forest Service, Forest insect and Disease Research Southern Hardwoods Lab.Stoneville, MS 28776
Origin USDA/Forest Service - Southern Research Station
Description: Ash Pests Image Library CD-ROM Cover U.S. Forest Service scientists from the Center for Bottomlands Hardwood Research, Stoneville, MS, a unit of the Southern Research Station, have developed a series of Forest Insect and Disease Research (FIDR) pest recognition softwares on CD-ROMs. The new softwares, written in Visual Basic (for Windows), display images and information on insect and disease pests of selected southern hardwoods and other hosts.

Please see the PDF file below for more information, system requirements and ordering instructions.

URL: http://www.srs.fs.usda.gov/pubs/viewpub.jsp?index=832

Full Text Location: http://www.srs.fs.usda.gov/pubs/cd-rom/cd_rom.pdf (131 KB)