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WFO Quad Cities
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Submit a Storm Report

The National Weather Service in the Quad Cities IA/IL wants to know if you have experienced unusual weather. This would include tornadoes, wall clouds, funnel clouds, high wind, wind damage, hail, heavy snow, heavy sleet, thick freezing rain, lightning damage, heavy rain, flooding, dense fog, and any other unusual weather phenomena.

Please enter as much information about your experience as you can provide below. This information will be used in future research and assessment of forecast and warning techniques.

Important Note:
If you are experiencing severe weather right now, report it immediately to your local Police Department, Sheriff's Department, or State Police and ask them to relay the information the National Weather Service in Davenport (Quad Cities) with the same urgency.


Privacy Notice: All personal information (such as your name and email) will be used strictly for contacting you if we need additional information. Personal information will not be saved or used in any other way.

Your Name:

Date event occurred:  
Time event occurred: am  pm 
Location of event: please be as specific as possible, and include both the city and county if you know them
Was anyone hurt? Yes   No   If yes, please elaborate:
May we contact you for more information about this event? Yes   No 
Your eMail:  

Type of Event:    Please check the event type(s) and provide as much detail as possible. When you are done entering all of your reports, click on any "Submit my reports" button.
Take a shortcut to:
High Wind
Sleet or Freezing Rain
Funnel Cloud or Wall Cloud
Flood or Flash Flood
Dense Fog
Heavy Rain

Tornado : Any damage? Yes   No
Please describe what you saw and any damage:
Funnel Cloud :
Wall Cloud :
Please describe what you saw:
  I'm done. 
Hail :
If you don't know the exact measurement, you can reference it to a coin or sphere. Were the largest hailstones as big as a penny? a nickel? a quarter? a golfball? a baseball? Marbles vary too much in size, so please, do not use "marbles". 
.5 or smaller 
.75 (penny)
.88 (nickel)
1.0 (quarter)
1.25 (half dollar)
1.5 (ping pong ball)
1.75 (golf ball)
2.0 (hen egg)
2.5 (tennis ball)
2.75 (baseball)
3.0 (tea cup)
4.0 (grapefruit)
4.5 (softball)

Any damage? Yes   No
Please describe what you saw and any damage:

  I'm done. 
High Wind :
Wind Speed:   Knots   

Any damage? Yes   No
Please describe any damage:

Lightning : Any damage? Yes   No
Please describe what you saw, heard, and/or felt, including any damage:
  I'm done. 
Flash Flood or Flood :
It is also helpful to know if the flooding was along a river, a creek, in town, etc.
Any damage? Yes   No
Please describe the flooding and any damage:
Heavy Rain : Rainfall Amount: Estimated   Measured   No Idea
Do you have anything else to add about the heavy rain event?
  I'm done. 


Snowfall  : Amount of New Snow:
and/or Total snow on the ground:
Would you like to add anything about the snow event? Go for it:
Sleet,  :

Freezing Rain,  :

or Both  :
Amount of ice accumulation:
Would you like to add anything about the ice event? Here's your chance:
 I'm done. 
Dense Fog : Did the fog cause hazardous conditions
or significant inconvenience? Yes   No
What would you like to tell us about the fog?

Other : Please describe in as much detail as you can.

I really am done.

National Weather Service
Quad Cities Weather Forecast Office
9050 Harrison Street
Davenport, IA 52806
(563) 386-3976
Page last modified: March 10, 2002
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