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There are 5 versions of Bill Number S.148 for the 108th Congress

1 . To provide for the Secretary of Homeland Security to be included in the line of Presidential succession. (Introduced in Senate)[S.148.IS]
2 . To provide for the Secretary of Homeland Security to be included in the line of Presidential succession. (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by Senate)[S.148.ES]
3 . To provide for the Secretary of Homeland Security to be included in the line of Presidential succession. (Agreed to by Senate)[S.148.ATS]
4 . To provide for the Secretary of Homeland Security to be included in the line of Presidential succession. (Reported in Senate)[S.148.RS]
5 . To provide for the Secretary of Homeland Security to be included in the line of Presidential succession. (Referred to House Committee after being Received from Senate)[S.148.RFH]