[NPS Arrowhead] U.S. Dept. of Interior National Park Service Archeology and Ethnography Program
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About the Program Navajo couple at Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona.

The National Park Service is steward of a diverse cultural legacy. From the cliff dwellings of the Southwest to the reminiscences of neighborhood residents where Martin Luther King, Jr. grew up, this legacy represents a continuum of American heritage–its places, objects, and traditions. The NPS archeology and ethnography program provides national leadership, coordination, and technical guidance to aid in preserving this heritage.

An estimated 6 to 7 million archeological sites fall under federal protection–on public land inside and outside the parks–plus artifacts and records from investigations conducted in advance of federally funded or authorized development, erosion, and other destructive forces. Preservation law is the cornerstone of this mission, which the National Park Service carries out in cooperation with other agencies, states, universities and archeological organizations, private groups, Indian tribes, the public, and other partners. The NPS Archeology and Ethnography program encourages public interest in and stewardship of the sites contributing to our national heritage.

NPS cultural anthropologists and ethnographers, under federal and agency mandates, give voice to living peoples linked to the parks by tradition, deep historical attachment, subsistence use, or other aspects of their culture. Ethnographers highlight this heritage for decision-makers in the planning and running of the parks–by formulating policies, conducting research, consulting with stakeholder groups, and managing cultural registries.




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