Files and applications

Download any of these files for use with your EMWIN software. 


Map files for use with WXPlot


Cty.dat and In.txt

County map for state of Indiana. Download both files to your
 wxplot directory under maps. Then just add this to your WXPlot ini file so it gets added to the list of maps.


Please email CREST if you have files that you are willing to share.

Also, let us know if you need a map created for your area.

We might be able to help!


Wave files for audible alarms

Tornado Winter Warnings and Statements Short Term Forecasts
Severe Thunderstorm  Non-Precipitation Statements Zone Forecasts All files in zip format
Severe Weather Statement Special Weather Statements Special Marine Warnings

..Instructions for replacing alarms in RealEmwin with the Talking Alerts... 

Replace some or all of the old alerts with the Talking Alerts in the RealEmwin subdirectory. Set the products to alert in the "Alarm Settings" window. 

Typical set-up: 

alert1.wav = Tornado warning (TOR) 
alert2.wav = Severe t-storm warning (SVR) 
alert3.wav = Severe weather statement (SVS) 
alert4.wav = Winter weather statement (WSW) 
alert5.wav = Non-Precip statement (NPW) 
alert6.wav = Special weather statement (SPS) 
alert7.wav = Short-term forecast (NOW) 
alert8.wav = Zone forecast (ZFP) 
alert9.wav = Special marine warning (SMW) 

This page last edited on 05/20/2003