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Competitive Sourcing Congressional Report

Enclosure 2


OPM will complete competitive sourcing competitions of 327 Full Time Equivalents (FTE) during Fiscal Year 2004.

Integration of OPM's Human Capital and Competitive Sourcing Initiatives

OPM's competitive sourcing initiatives are closely linked to and complement its HC initiatives under the President's Management Agenda. As described in the Plan for the Strategic Management of OPM's Human Capital, "where appropriate, we use competitive sourcing to ensure that the best human capital assets are acquired, deployed, and maintained as efficiently and effectively as possible." In practice, we view competitive sourcing as a tool to address core competency gaps that are identified through OPM's workforce planning review and analysis.

OPM's core competency information will be provided to members of the FAIR Act Inventory Work Group to consider as they complete their annual Competitive Activity Review. This information is useful in ensuring that competitive sourcing activities align with goals and objectives stated in OPM's HC Plan and support organizations in meeting their mission.

Because of the intrinsic linkage between competitive sourcing and human capital, OPM appoints a Human Resources (HR) Advisor for each competition to address all human resources considerations, including potential reductions in force. The HR advisor and contracting personnel meet with employees included in each competition to provide them with information regarding the procedures, time frames, and potential impact of the results of the competitions. Employees are given the opportunity to ask any questions they have regarding the potential impact each competition may have on them.

If the OPM employees lose a competition, or in implementing a most efficient organization, it may be necessary to conduct a reduction in force. There are a number of options OPM can use to respond to a reduction of positions as a result of competitive sourcing:

  1. We are in the process of requesting the use of the Voluntary Early Retirement (VERA) and Voluntary Separation Incentive Payment (VSIP) authorities through September 30, 2004. This timeframe should cover all contemplated competitive sourcing competitions for FY 2004. Having these authorities will help us to make any necessary staff reductions associated with implementing the Government's most efficient organization (MEO) or staff reductions resulting from the Government losing a competition. This request will require OPM approval after consultation with OMB.

  2. If positions are eliminated as a result of losing a competition, employees would receive priority consideration under OPM's Career Transition Assistance Program (CTAP).

If an OPM activity faces a reduction in force as a result of losing a competition, the Center for Human Capital Management Services will deploy staff to work with the organization's impacted staff to discuss their benefit options, provide coaching on resume writing, review their Official Personnel Files, and conduct other activities to assist impacted personnel in planning their actions to address any impending reduction in force.

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