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Current MOS Forecasts:
Guidance based on the GFS, Eta, and NGM models.

MOS Guidance Resources:
Station lists, Change notices, Sample messages, References

MOS General Information & FAQs
Recent Update Notices, Mailing List, List of Acronyms

Short-Range Guidance & Development:
Explanation of NGM- and GFS-Based MOS (12-72 hours)

Extended-Range Guidance & Development:
Explanation of Extended- GFS-Based MOS (24-192 hours)
and Experimental Ensemble MOS

Explanation of Trajectory Model Products:
3D Air Parcel Trajectories, Thunderstorm Probabilities,
Net Vertical Displacements, Stability Indices

Verification of MOS Guidance:
Evaluation of MOS Forecasts, National Verification Program

Test Results of MOS Products
GFS-based MOS Evaluation, ETA-based MOS Evaluation,
CAFTI Presentations, Model Diagnostics

The Statistical Modeling Branch (SMB) of the Meteorological Development Laboratory (MDL), formerly the Techniques Development Laboratory, produces objective forecast guidance products using Model Output Statistics (MOS). The MOS approach is a technique to interpret numerical weather prediction model output.

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Last Updated: December 20, 2003

Department of Commerce National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service Meteorological Development Laboratory