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GE Energy Receives $1.3 Billion in U.S. Wind Turbine Orders

October 27, 2004

Process Heating Specialist Qualification Workshop Coming in November

October 21, 2004

EIA: U.S. Home Heating Bills to Go Up 15 Percent this Winter

October 13, 2004

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Steam System Assessment

October 31, 2004

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Partnering for Success: Featured Partner Industrial Technologies releases its strategic plan. Manufacturers:  Lower Your Energy Bill


Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs)

Commercial Successes

The dissemination of energy efficiency technologies and operating practices is at the core of the Industrial Technologies Program (ITP) mission. Through our outreach efforts—tools development and training, plant assessments, showcase demonstrations, emerging technologies, Allied Partnerships, and technical information development—we are able to pass along to our current and prospective industrial partners energy savings information that they can use today.

With these technology delivery activities, we expect to save .7 quads of energy and $4.0 billion, and to avoid 18.0 million metric tons carbon equivalent (MMTCE) of climate change gases by 2020. In addition, more than 160 ITP-supported technologies have been successfully commercialized into the industrial marketplace, providing significant economic and environmental impacts for the United States.

As with all of our ITP efforts, partnership with industry is key in the deployment of energy savings technologies and practices. For example, while you are working on scale up and commercialization of a new energy efficiency technology, we can assist with verification, validation, tools, or training.


The mainstay of our deployment effort is our BestPractices collection of strategies, tools, resources, and partnerships that improve industrial energy and cost efficiencies. BestPractices works with industry to identify plant-wide opportunities for immediate energy savings and process efficiency improvements. Our BestPractices team can provide you access to:

  • informational resources and tools
  • technical assistance, and
  • demonstrated emerging technologies.

And can assist you with:

  • hands-on energy assessments and
  • training in energy management practices.

Many companies are realizing the benefits of applying a BestPractices approach. In fact, most companies have saved a minimum of $1 million annually from just one plant wide assessment with an average payback of less than 18 months.

Visit our BestPractices site for more detailed information on how ITP deployment efforts can provide immediate efficiency, energy, and cost benefits to your manufacturing facility.

Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs) 

The Industrial Assessment Centers program enables eligible small and medium-sized manufacturers to have comprehensive industrial assessments performed at no cost to the manufacturer.

Teams of engineering faculty and students from the centers, located at 26 universities around the country, conduct energy audits or industrial assessments and provide recommendations to manufacturers to help them identify opportunities to improve productivity, reduce waste, and save energy.

Recommendations from industrial assessments have averaged about $55,000 in potential annual savings for each manufacturer.

There are numerous ways to go about the process of conducting an industrial assessment. This web site is intended to provide an overview of the sources of services, self-help tools and expertise currently available to manufacturers throughout the United States

ITP Commercial Successes 

ITP tracks energy savings as well as other benefits associated with the successfully commercialized technologies resulting from its research partnerships. Our Impacts report summarizes some of these benefits including energy savings, waste reduction, increased productivity, lowered carbon dioxide and air pollutant emissions, and improved product quality.

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