OPM Computation of Interest on Back Pay System

On-Line User Documentation

[as of May 1, 1999]


This program computes the amount of interest due on disbursements of back pay issued under the authority of 5 U.S.C. 5596. The IRS Overpayment Rate is updated quarterly on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 and is the source used to calculate the interest due.


From the Start menu, select Settings then Control Panel. Double-click on the Display icon. Click on the Settings tab. In the Desktop area box, make sure the setting is 800 x 600 pixels and change the Color palette to the highest color count. This should be at least 256 or True Color (32 bit), if available. 

How Do I Start the Computation of Interest on Back Pay System?

Start the application by Start -> Programs -> OPM Back Pay Interest System. The Main Menu for the application will be displayed.


    1. Once you enter the Social Security Number, Name, Agency, Special Notes, number of days in pay period, number of days between end of pay period and date paychecks are issued, and starting dates of first and last pay period, you cannot change these entries. If any of these entries must be changed, you MUST delete the record and start again.
    2. The only items that can be edited are Outside Earnings, Accrual Date (i.e., interest accrual ending date), and the dollar amounts for any pay period.
    3. To delete one record in the database, select View or Edit an Existing Record. Select the record you want to delete. The system will display the Pay Period Data screen in "Edit Mode". Click on the Delete Record button. Once you delete the record, it is gone and cannot be retrieved again.
    4. To delete the entire database, you must have Microsoft Access installed on your computer. If you do, open the OPM.MDB file in the C:\Program Files\OPM Back Pay Interest System directory. Select all records in the Back Pay and Report tables by highlighting the record number in the far left of the table grid and using the <Shift> and the down arrow. Press <Del> to delete them. WARNING: Do not delete the records in the Interest table.
    5. Before running the program, be sure you have the latest interest rate(s) in the Interest Rate Table or the program will STOP at some point and not let you continue. Use the Update Interest Rate button on the Main Menu of the program.


Using the Computation of Interest on Back Pay System

Main Menu

At the Main Menu, your choices are:


NOTE: There is a Help button on the top right corner of every screen, except the Main Menu. From the Main Menu, you can access Help by either clicking on the Help button or selecting Help from the Menu Items at the top left corner of the Main Menu screen. If you click on any of the Help options, the following menu will be displayed:


Create a New Back Pay Interest Computation Record for an Employee

When you click on this button, you will be taken to the Identifying Information screen.

Identifying Information Screen

NOTE: If multiple records are created for the same individual using the same SSN or other identification number, a letter will automatically be added to the SSN or code starting with "A".

General Input Data Screen

NOTE: You can either type the date in the box or you can click on the Calendar button. If you click on the Calendar button, first select the year by clicking on the down arrow to the right of the year displayed. Use the slider to locate the appropriate year. Next select the appropriate month and then click on the date. The date will automatically appear in the box.

NOTE: You can either type the date in the box or you can click on the Calendar button. If you click on the Calendar button, first select the year by clicking on the down arrow to the right of the year displayed. Use the slider to locate the appropriate year. Next select the appropriate month and then click on the date. The date will automatically appear in the box.

NOTE: You can either type the date in the box or you can click on the Calendar button. If you click on the Calendar button, first select the year by clicking on the down arrow to the right of the year displayed. Use the slider to locate the appropriate year. Next select the appropriate month and then click on the date. The date will automatically appear in the box.

When you enter an interest accrual ending date, you will see the following message:

Important Reminder: The interest accrual ending date may not be more than 30 days before the date of the back pay interest payment.

This is not an error message. It is merely reminding you that the interest computation will be valid only if the back pay interest payment is made within 30 days of your selected interest accrual ending date. Additional interest would be owed if the back pay interest payment is made more than 30 days after the interest accrual ending date. (An interest computation can be edited later to use a different interest accrual ending date, as necessary.)

Outside Earnings During an Erroneous Separation Screen

Pay Period Data Screen

NOTE: These dates are calculated based on the dates and number of days entered on the General Input Data screen.

NOTE: If you have already calculated the difference between the employee=s actual pay and corrected pay, you may leave Field A at zero and put the correction amount in Field B.

NOTE: The Accrual Date button is grayed out because it can only be used during while in Edit Mode. See the View or Edit an Existing Record instructions.

Invalid Entry - Based upon the entries in the General Input Data Screen, there are only __ pay periods! You are attempting to exceed this amount. Please check your entry to insure accuracy. If entries are correct you should select the This is the Final Pay period button!

PP - This is a sequential pay period number.

Beg Date - The beginning date of each pay period calculated from the information entered in the General Input Data screen.

End Date - The ending date of each pay period calculated from the information entered in the General Input Data screen.

Pay Date - The pay date for the pay period calculated from the information entered in the General Input Data screen.

Total Paid - The amount entered in Field A on the Pay Period Data screen.

Corrected Pay - The amount entered in Field B on the Pay Period Data screen.

Gross Back Pay - The amount calculated in Field C (B minus A).

Adj Back Pay - The amount in calculated in Field D. This is either the same amount in Field C (if there are no outside earnings) or the amount calculated after applying the outside earnings factor calculated on the Outside Earnings During Erroneous Separation screen.

Cum Adj Back - The cumulative total of the amounts in Field D for the current and prior pay periods entered.

Cum Interest - The cumulative total of the interest calculated as of the end of the day before the pay date in the next row. (In the case of the last pay period, it is the cumulative interest as of the end of the day on which interest accrual stops.)

Cum Total - The cumulative total of Adjusted Back Pay and Interest due as of the end of the day before the pay date in the next row. (In the case of the last pay period, it is the cumulative total as of the end of the day on which interest accrual stops.)

Delete Record - This record will be permanently deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?

If you click on Yes, the record is gone and cannot be recovered. If you click on No, the record will not be deleted.

Display the following message:

Reminder - You have completed data entry for this back pay interest computation record. The next screen is an Edit Screen. You will be able to view data entered for all pay periods. You will also be able to change the dollar amounts entered for any pay period and to change the date on which interest stops accruing. (Remember that the interest payment must be issued within 30 calendar days of the interest accrual ending date; otherwise, interest must be recomputed based on a new ending date that meets the 30-day requirement.) You may also change the outside earnings factor by clicking on the Back button. No other edits, such as adding or deleting pay periods or changing pay period dates, are permitted. Be sure to click on the Recalculate Interest button after making any changes. When finished, click on the Save & Return to Main Menu button. For additional information on how to use the Edit Screen, see Help -- On-Line User Documentation.

Calculate the interest from the final pay period pay date through the date when interest stops accruing. (See grid at bottom of the screen.)

Add a slider bar above the top right hand corner of the grid. This allows you to review each individual pay period on the screen.

Enable the Back button. (See below.)

Gray out the Add New Pay Period button.

Create a Recalculate Interest button in place of the This is the Final Pay Period button. (See below.)

Create a Save & Return to Main Menu button in place of the Cancel & Return to Main Menu button. (See below.)

View or Edit an Existing Record

Preview or Print a Report for a Record

Update Interest Rate

The OPM maintains a web page that contains the latest IRS quarterly interest rate used in computing back pay interest. If you are connected to the Internet, you can obtain the rates by opening your web browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc.) and typing the following in the Address/Location/Uniform Resource Locator (URL) field:


Once you have the new interest rates, follow the steps below to update the interest rate table in the OPM Back Pay Interest System: