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U.S. Policy Documents

U.S. Treasury Department Designates Bin Laden Spokesman as Terrorist

The U.S. Treasury Department designated al-Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden's associate, Sulaiman Jassem Sulaiman Abo Ghaith, as a supporter of terrorism.

According to a January 16 press statement from the Treasury Department, Abo Ghaith's name was submitted to the United Nations for inclusion on its list of terrorists and terrorist organizations. Abo Ghaith appeared as an al-Qaeda spokesman in numerous broadcasts following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, according to the statement.

The statement added that the United States has an obligation to prohibit cross-border travel and freeze the assets of all individuals listed as terrorists by the United Nations.

Following is the text of the Treasury Department statement

January 16, 2004

U.S. Designates Bin Laden's Mouthpiece

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Treasury Department today announced the designation of the man who stood beside Usama bin Laden when he declared responsibility for the attacks of September 11th. Today's action comes in response to the designation of this individual as a terrorist by the United Nations.

Sulaiman Jassem Sulaiman Abo Ghaith (Abo Ghaith) became the spokesperson for al-Qaeda after the attacks of September 11th, 2001. He repeatedly appeared in broadcasts on behalf of al-Qaeda, claiming responsibility for that attack and others, including the November 2002 suicide attacks in Kenya that killed 13 people. Although he was born in Kuwait, the Kuwaiti government revoked his citizenship in 2001.

Today's action is taken under obligations to freeze the assets of individuals and organizations listed by the UN. The name was originally submitted to the UN by another country for listing. A UN listing requires all Member States to freeze the assets of those listed and to bar cross-border travel. The UN listed this individual on Friday, January 16th.

With today's action, the U.S. and our international partners have designated 346 individuals and organizations as terrorists and terrorist supporters and have frozen over $139.1 million in terrorist assets.

Embassy of the United States