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Family History


Research study to evaluate the family history tool.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has awarded funding to three research centers to evaluate a family history tool that has been developed as part of the CDC Family History Public Health Initiative. The University of Michigan School of Medicine, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Research Institute, and Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine will each receive approximately $400,000 per center for three years. The centers will collaborate on a study set in primary care clinics to assess the utility of a family history tool that focuses on 6 chronic diseases - heart disease, stroke, parents using Family History tool on PC, family, images of family history tools
diabetes, and colorectal, breast, and ovarian cancer. The purpose of the new family history tool is to collect information that can be used to assess risk for common diseases and influence early detection and prevention strategies. Updates on the study will be posted on this web site.

Last Updated August 30, 2004