Evaluation/Comment Form

ACCE Review
Population-based Prenatal Screening for Cystic Fibrosis via Carrier Testing

Your comments are considered a valuable part of the ACCE process. Please use this form to provide us with comments on all or specific sections of the report. Comments about this report must be received by August 19, 2002. Comments received after August 19, 2002 will be considered for future updates. We will acknowledge that we have received your evaluation and will include your comments anonymously in the final report. You may be contacted via e-mail as part of the ACCE project evaluation. Thank you for your participation.

Please complete the identification section. Fields marked with an asterisk* are required.

Name* (last, first, middle initial)
Affiliation* (e,g., University or company name)
E-mail Address*
Main interest* (e.g.,genetics, economics, ELSI)
Highest earned degree* (e.g., M.D., Ph.D.)

Are you a (check all that apply)
policy-maker service provider investigator consumer
genetic counselor health plan provider other (describe)  

Is this your first comment on "
Population-based Prenatal Screening for Cystic Fibrosis via Carrier Testing?"

yes - continue with questions 1 through 6 no - skip to number 7

General Evaluation

1. How worthwhile was this document to you?
very worthwhile worthwhile somewhat worthwhile not worthwhile

How useful will this document be to you in your work?
very useful useful somewhat useful not useful

3. How does the information contained in this document compare to what you have     used in the past?
better as good as not as good as

4. How does the process (described in the Introduction) compare to what you have 
    used in the past to evaluate clinical test performance?
better as good as not as good as

5. Did you have any problems downloading this document?
no yes haven't tried to download the document

6. Which sections did you read/review?
Introduction Disorder/Setting Analytic validity Clinical validity
Clinical utility ELSI Glossary/Reviewers

. Comments
Please specify the page numbers that pertain to your comments (e.g., 2-11 through 2-13).  You may enter text directly or paste from another document in the box below. When the form is completed, click submit.

If you prefer, you may compose your comments in a word processing document (preferably in WORD format). Be sure to include your name and e-mail address as well as the document title and the page numbers you are evaluating (e.g., 2-11 through 2-13). Send an e-mail with the word document attached to accecomments@FBR.org

Please be as specific as possible and include both positive and negative comments. We thank you for your participation.