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food stamp program

The U.S. Food Stamp Program (FSP) is the Nation's largest nutrition program for low-income Americans and a source of demand for the products of American farmers and food industries. The program provides benefits with electronic debit cards, which participants may use to buy food from eligible retailers. The program served about 21.3 million low-income Americans on average each month in fiscal 2003, with an USDA outlay of about $23.9 billion. The Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program at ERS studies the Food Stamp Program and other nutrition programs, including WIC and the child nutrition programs, program outcomes, vulnerable populations, the relationship between food assistance programs and the general economy, program operations and integrity, and food security in the United States.

Food Stamp Nutrition Education (FSNE) photo of kids doing an assignment in a grocery store.Food Stamp Nutrition Education (FSNE)—The primary goal of Food Stamp Nutrition Education (FSNE) is to improve the ability of food stamp participants to make healthy food choices and choose active lifestyles consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Food Guide Pyramid. USDA's Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) began providing funding for FSNE in the early 1990s by matching the dollars a State spends on FSNE activities. This section of the briefing room describes FSNE research activities, provides links to State-level maps and data, and posts tools to assist in assessing the impact of FSNE.

A map of per capita FSP participation. Click to go to the Food Stamp Program Map Machine.Food Stamp Program Map Machine—The Food Stamp Program (FSP) Map Machine is an interactive web-based mapping utility that illustrates program participation and benefit levels down to the county level. Use the map machine to show per capita participation, per capita benefits, changes from year to year, and more. The map's tools allow you to call up tabular data for the county, State, or Nation. For example, select a State, zoom into a specific county, and display the data for that county by using the identify tool. Or, zoom into a region of the United States and display a map showing how rapidly program participation changed in each county between 1993 and 1997.

FNIC logoFood Stamp Research Discussion Group—The Food Stamp Research discussion group (FSP-research) is a communication tool for individuals who conduct or use research and policy analysis related to the U.S. Food Stamp Program. This collaborative effort between ERS and USDA's Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) provides an electronic forum for publication announcements and for discussion of food stamp data and research methods. Find out more about the electronic discussion group, subscribe, or view the archives on the FNIC web site.

2002 Farm Bill LogoThe Food Stamp Program provisions of the Nutrition Programs Title in the 2002 Farm Act reauthorize the program for 5 years. The Act reinstates eligibility for many legal immigrants, increases benefits by raising the standard deduction for many large families, and offers transitional food stamp benefits for families leaving welfare. The Act also contains several new provisions for Food Stamp Program simplification and administrative reforms.

The Food Assistance Landscape—This twice-yearly publication provides a brief overview of USDA's domestic food assistance programs. Each issue contains recent program statistics, such as expenditure, participation, and benefit levels, as well as information on related economic and social indicators, such as unemployment rates, income growth, and food price inflation. Issues also discusses recent ERS research related to food assistance.

recommended readings
Prototype Notebook: Short Questions on Dietary Intake, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors—Assessing the impact of Food Stamp Nutrition Education (FSNE) on the dietary behavior of Food Stamp Program participants is a complex task. Because dietary quality is multifaceted, researchers are challenged to develop measures that assess targeted behaviors, and are suitable for use with program participants. This report provides a compendium of 128 survey questions used in previous research to assess dietary knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors for low-income populations over the age of 18. Each question is presented using a common template including the citations, data sources, data characteristics, and availability of comparable data.

Cover image from the Journal of Nutrition EducationWhite Papers on Food Stamp Nutrition Education (FSNE) Evaluation—ERS and the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) sponsored this set of papers to support evaluation of nutrition education provided through FSNE activities. Published in the Journal of Nutrition Education, the papers identify tools to assess nutrition education needs of low-income families and evaluate outcomes of nutrition education programs directed toward this audience.

Food Stamp Benefits and Childhood Poverty in the 1990s—In 2000, 8.8 million children received food stamps, making the Food Stamp Program a significant component in the well-being of children in many low-income households. To shed light on the efficacy of food stamps in helping households meet basic needs, ERS researchers added the value of food stamp benefits to household income and then measured the effect on child poverty rates. The analysis in this report indicates that the Food Stamp Program plays an important role in reducing the depth and severity of poverty.

Issues in Food Assistance—The Issues in Food Assistance series, part of ERS's Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, addresses a variety of topics related to the USDA food assistance programs. The series includes several reports relevant to the Food Stamp Program, including The Standard Deduction in the Food Stamp Benefit Formula, Assessing the Self-Sufficiency of Food Stamp Leavers, and How Unemployment Affects the Food Stamp Program.

The Summer 2002 issue of Focus included papers from a conference sponsored by ERS and the Institute for Research on Poverty. Several of the papers are relevant to research on the Food Stamp Program (FSP), including the conference's title essay, "Income volatility and the implications for food assistance programs." Other papers relevant to the FSP include "The role of food stamps in stabilizing income and consumption," "Short recertification periods in the U.S. Food Stamp Program," "Food stamps and the elderly: Why is participation so low?" and "Gateways into the Food Stamp Program."

See all recommended readings...

recommended data products
FANRP Project Database—Provides details on FANRP research projects, both past and ongoing, including the project's objective, funding level, researchers, and expected completion date. See projects on the FSP.

National data useful in food and nutrition assistance research—Brief descriptions of national surveys and data sets with links to their sources. Surveys and data sets relevant to the Food Stamp Program include:

Sign Up Now—Keep current on activities in the Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program (FANRP) by subscribing to our free e-mail notification service. You will receive announcements of our latest reports and other news. You can also get the latest on other activities at ERS. To become a subscriber, please submit this short application form. Be sure to check "Food & Nutrition Assistance Programs" under Particular Topic Areas to receive information about FANRP activities.

related briefing rooms
Food and nutrition assistance programs:
Child nutrition programs (other than WIC)
Food and nutrition assistance programs and the general economy
Food and nutrition assistance program outcomes
Food and nutrition assistance program operations and integrity
Vulnerable populations
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Food security in the United States

related links
Food Stamp Nutrition Education (FSNE)—Provides education to food stamp recipients to encourage healthy food choices consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Food Guide Pyramid. The Federal-State commitment to this joint nutrition education program has grown rapidly in recent years, generating increased interest in program impact. This link provides access to research and evaluation materials provided at two workshops held in 2003 to address the growing interest in nutrition education.

Food and Nutrition Service—Administers USDA's food assistance programs and provides program guidelines, data, and research on the Food Stamp Program, WIC, and child nutrition programs. The agency's food stamp research includes a useful report series on the characteristics of food stamp participants and another on trends in the FSP participation rate relative to the eligible population.

USDA reports on the U.S. Food Stamp Program—Reports published before 1998 are available on the web site for USDA's National Agricultural Library. Some of these scanned documents are large and may open slowly in web browsers, so the reader is advised to download them first and then open them using the Acrobat Reader program.

images gallery
The food assistance and nutrition program image gallery includes charts and data for the number of food stamp participants, the average monthly benefit per person, the distribution of participants by age, and other characteristics of food stamp households. See the Food Stamp Program section of the gallery for these charts and more.


for more information, contact: Margaret Andrews
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: October 19, 2004


 Also at ERS...
latest publications
Food Assistance Landscape, September 2004

Understanding the Food Stamp Program Participation Decisions of TANF Leavers

Prototype Notebook: Short Questions on Dietary Intake, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors

latest data products
How Much Do Americans Pay for Fruits and Vegetables?

Food Stamp Map Machine

Summer Food Service Program Map Machine

research emphases
a healthy, well-nourished population

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Food & Nutrition Assistance Programs

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