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  south asia

South Asia includes emerging markets in a densely populated region heavily dependent upon agriculture. ERS economists provide data and analysis on agriucltural supply, consumption, trade, and policies of key countries in the region, including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

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India's Poultry Sector: Development and Prospects. Poultry meat is the fastest growing component of global meat demand, and India, the world's second largest developing country, is experiencing rapid growth in its poultry sector. In India, poultry sector growth is being driven by rising incomes and a rapidly expanding middle class, together with competitively priced domestic feed supplies and the emergence of vertically integrated poultry producers.

India's Edible Oil Sector: Imports Fill Rising Demand. India is the world's leading importer of edible oils and is likely to remain an important source of global import demand for the foreseeable future. Income and population growth, trade policy reforms, and domestic agricultural policies affecting the productivity of India's oilseed farmers and processing sector have contributed to increased consumption and import demand.

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updated: February 4, 2004

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