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India's Poultry Sector: Development and Prospects

By Maurice Landes, Suresh Persaud, and John Dyck

Agriculture and Trade Report No. (WRS04-03) 66 pp, January 2004

Poultry meat is the fastest growing component of global meat demand, and India, the world's second largest developing country, is experiencing rapid growth in its poultry sector. In India, poultry sector growth is being driven by rising incomes and a rapidly expanding middle class, together with the emergence of vertically integrated poultry producers that have reduced consumer prices by lowering production and marketing costs. Integrated production, market transition from live birds to chilled and frozen products, and policies that ensure supplies of competitively priced domestic or imported corn and soybeans are keys to future poultry industry growth in India.

Keywords: India, developing countries, poultry, demand, prices, vertical integration, contract growing, feed policy, trade, simulation model, ERS, USDA

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