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projects > L-31N seepage management pilot

L-31N Seepage Management Pilot

photograph of levee Investigators: Kevin Cunningham and Michael Wacker

Please note - this is a completed project.


The goal of the L-31N Seepage Management Pilot Project is to reduce levee seepage that moves from Everglades National Park to the east.

The goal of the L-31N Seepage Management Pilot Project is to reduce levee seepage that moves from Everglades National Park to the east. As participants in this pilot project, the South Florida Water Management District, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and the United States Geological Survey are working together to provide a hydrogeologic characterization of the Surficial aquifer underlying the L-31N Levee in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Because there is little detailed hydrogeologic data of the Surficial aquifer (to depth) in this area, the L-31N Seepage Management Project Delivery Team (PDT) will install two clusters of monitor wells and four additional coreholes along the levee to provide the necessary detailed hydrogeologic data to the PDT.

The L-31N project is spilt into two seperate projects, a data acquisition project and an interpretive project. The objectives of the data acquisition project are to provide the on-site geologic expertise while the four coreholes and the deepest well in each cluster are drilled and constructed, and to complete the downhole geophysical logging including video and flow meter logging of these boreholes. The objective of the data interpretation project is to provide the PDT with detailed hydrogeologic information in order to understand the movement of water in the Surficial aquifer along the L-31N levee and delineate the lithology and hydrostratigraphy of the rocks and sediments underlying the levee.

Scopes of Work

  • 2003 (L-31N Well-Site Data Acquisition)
  • 2003 (L-31N Data Interpretation)


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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
This page is: http://snowball/projects/seep_mgmt/index.html
Comments and suggestions? Contact: Heather Henkel - Webmaster
Last updated: 21 September, 2004 @ 11:40 AM(KP)