Blue and gold seal  U.S Merit Systems Protection Board
Picture of the MSPB building in Washington DC.

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MSPB amends 5 CFR Part 1201, permits 60 day case suspension. The Merit Systems Protection Board is seeking public comments on its proposed MSPB Appeal Forms Package. MSPB issues new study, Making Public Service Work, Recommendations for Change.
1615 M ST. NW
Washington, DC 20419
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About MSPB

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Agency Mission

   The Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) is an independent quasi-judicial agency established to protect Federal merit systems against partisan political and other prohibited personnel practices and to ensure adequate protection for employees against abuses by agency management. The Board carries out its statutory mission by:
  • Adjudicating employee appeals of personnel actions over which the Board has jurisdiction, such as removals, suspensions, furloughs, and demotions;
  • Adjudicating appeals of administrative decisions affecting an individual's rights or benefits under the Civil Service Retirement System or the Federal Employees' Retirement System;
  • Adjudicating employee complaints filed under the Whistleblower Protection Act, the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, and the Veterans Employment Opportunities Act;
  • Adjudicating cases brought by the Special Counsel, principally complaints of prohibited personnel practices and Hatch Act violations;
  • Adjudicating requests to review regulations of the Office of Personnel Management that are alleged to require or result in the commission of a prohibited personnel practice-or reviewing such regulations on the Board's own motion;
  • Ordering compliance with final Board orders where appropriate; and
  • Conducting studies of the Federal civil service and other merit systems in the Executive Branch to determine whether they are free from prohibited personnel practices.
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Last update: October 21, 2004