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Using funds provided through the Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops (TASC) Program, CropLife America and AgriChem Data Service worked with the Horticultural and Tropical Products Division of FAS to develop databases that would aid U.S. growers and exporters in the identification of MRL tolerances for specialty crops they wish to export. The two databases outlined are the first coordinated source of information relating to MRL tolerances. Both were designed to compare MRL tolerances in the U.S. with those in other countries enabling producers and exporters to take appropriate measures to ensure the entry of their products in overseas markets.

The International Maximum Residue Limits Database provides users with a list of MRL tolerances by active ingredient to desired export destinations.  Users may query by crop, pesticide active ingredient and pesticide type.  Over 300 fruit, vegetable and nut commodities are covered, as are 272 pesticides approved by the EPA for use on those commodities in the U.S.  MRL data are included from 70 countries, the European Union and the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex).  Each country included in the database represents, at a minimum, $1 million in annual export revenue for U.S. horticultural commodities.  This database is especially useful for growers, exporters, chemical manufacturers, and regulators as an aid for determining the MRLs  of US trading partners.
Search International Maximum Residue Limits Database 

The International Pesticide & Application Database (IPAD) helps users determine rates and limitations on the usage of agricultural pesticides.  IPAD is a crop specific database that cross references pesticides by chemical brand name, method of application, rates and frequency of application, as well as pre- and post-harvest interval.  The database contains information for the U.S., Mexico, and Canada, 42 crops, 1400 active ingredients, 29 pesticide types, and 14 different timings resulting in nearly 24 million combinations.  This IPAD system provides chemical use practices in order to ensure compliance with a target country’s MRL standards and provides practical guidance to maximize the benefit to the U.S. producer.
Search International Pesticide & Application Database

As a public service FAS has provided links to transfer users from this Web site to a site that has information they may find helpful. USDA-FAS makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information on the accessed Web site. We do not endorse any products, services or views that may be referenced on the sites.

Last modified: Wednesday, July 21, 2004